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An anthelmintic broad-spectrum drug; most effective with enterobioze and trihozefaleze. Causes irreversible violation of glucose utilization, depletes the glycogen stores in the tissues of worms, inhibits the synthesis of cellular tubulin and also inhibits the ATP synthesis.

  • Availability: In Stock (55 packs)
  • Active Ingredient: mebendazole
Nemasole, 100mg
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Nemasole (Mebendazole)

Nemasole product description

Nemasole - anthelminthic pharmaceutical of a wide spectrum of action; is the most effective agent against trichocephaliasis and enterobiosis. It results in an irreversible disturbance in the metabolism of parasites, stops the synthesis of cellular tubulin, and also suppresses the synthesis of ATP.

The physician can prescribe youNemasole medication in cases of the detection of such maladies as ascariasis (an infectious malady caused by intestinal parasitic worms of ascarids), enterobiasis (an infectious illness triggered by intestinal worms with pinworms), ankylostomiasis (an infection provoked by parasitic worms, leading to anemia erythrocytes in the blood) and trichurosis (infectious bowel disorder, resulted in by parasitic worms with dandruff), and helminth tozes of mixed etiology.

Nemasole safety information

Adults and children are prescribed 100mg (1 tablet) of the medical preparation once in case of an enterobiasis. To prevent re-invasion, the remedy intake is repeated at 2 and 4 weeks at the same dosage. When the following conditions are observed: ascariasis, ankylostomiasis, trichocephalosis, mixed helminthiasis, adults and children over 1 year of age are prescribed 100mg pills twice a day (morning and evening) within 3 days. In the case of tetanus and strongyloidiasis, adults are advised to receive 200mg twice a day within 3 days. Children are prescribed 100 mg twice a day, also within 3 days.

If you suspect a hypersensitivity to any of the components of the medical agent, there is ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, hepatic failure, if your child is under 2 years old - the consumption of Nemasole is strictly prohibited.

During pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, Nemasole should be used with extreme caution, comparing the potential risk from prescribing the pharmaceutical product with the expected therapeutic outcome. Stop breastfeeding if you have found out that you'll have to take the drug. Nemasole shortens the need for insulin in people with diabetes mellitus. It's worth denying from the lipophilic agents during an intake of Nemasole. Cimetidine can enlarge the concentration in the blood, carbamazepine and other metabolism inducers - vice versa.

Nemasole side effects

Giddiness, queasiness, abdominal spasms. Using high dosages for a long time may lead to retching, loose or liquid bowel, a headache, allergic reactions (nettle-rash, urticaria, inflammation), an increased activity of hepatic transaminases, an increase in blood creatinine,a reduction of the number of white blood cells, a reduced centralization of hemoglobin, an increase in the content of eosinophils in the blood, alopecia, the blood in urine, the cylinders in the urine.

There were reports of an overdose of this pharmaceutical product. Among the symptoms of an overdose of Nemasole, there are abdominal cramps, queasiness, retching, loose bowel. To facilitate the condition, it is advised to wash the stomach with an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate at a rate of 20mg/100 ml of water. You can use activated carbon as well.